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Edith Slocum Students are Diving into Books

Students and staff wearing Dr. Seuss hats and smiling at the camera thumbnail242994
Students and staff wearing Dr. Seuss hats and smiling at the camera thumbnail242995
Two students holding a Dr. Suess book thumbnail242996
Students and staff wearing Dr. Seuss hats and smiling at the camera thumbnail242997
Students smiling at the camera while holding books thumbnail242998
To kick off the school’s annual Pick a Reading Partner event, Edith Slocum Elementary School students celebrated Dr. Suess’ birthday on March 2 and Read Across America Day by wearing red and white clothing and Seuss attire. The day was filled with literacy activities to celebrate the power of reading.

Sponsored by the New York State PTA, PARP is a program that asks a partner to read with a child for 20 minutes or more each day, because studies show that students who read at home are better prepared to succeed educationally. This year’s Edith Slocum PARP theme is Dive into Reading.

In Erin Mackin’s fourth grade class, students read a Dr. Seuss book with a partner. The student groups then discussed the story’s structure (setting, theme, problem-solving, etc.) the characters’ traits and evidence to support their thinking.

Students who visited the library took time to read “The Cat in the Hat” with library media specialist Laura Barry. The library also showcased many of Dr. Seuss’ most wide-read books for students to check out.

Kindergarten students in Elizabeth Jonas’ class also read “The Cat in the Hat,” and then wrote an answer to the question, “What would I do if the Cat in the Hat came to my house.” The students also participated in a directed drawing of a Seuss figure to help develop their listening and directional skills.

Date Added: 3/3/2023