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Lunar Exploration

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In celebration of their theme of “Imagine It! Dream It! Achieve It,” students at the John Pearl Elementary School celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing during an assembly held in the school’s gymnasium. 

Throughout the school year, students researched the bravery and accomplishments of the spaceflight that produced the landing of the first two people on the moon. While learning about the many astronauts, including Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, students shared information about NASA, the advantages and disadvantages of colonization of the moon, living in space, along with setting and reaching goals in life. Each grade level was given the opportunity to write and perform songs about their research at the assembly.

John Pearl Elementary School Principal Susan White was very proud of her students and staff members, as she visited each of the displays available in the school gymnasium to congratulate them on a job well-done.