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Early Act Award Winner

Early Act Award Winner Photo thumbnail75236
The district is proud to announce that Idle Hour Elementary School fifth-grader Andrew Mullane received the "Early Act Award" from the Rotary Club of Sayville. This award was presented to Andrew in honor of him being a student with a creative mind and strong leadership skills, which benefit both his school and community.

Andrew participates in many extracurricular activities, including serving as a peer mediator, participating in a cross-age collaboration with first-grade students as a classroom buddy, and contributing his time and ideas to the school’s student government meetings.

Additionally, Andrew was selected for All-District Chorus and Band based on his musical talents. He was the only band member at Idle Hour selected for the Suffolk County Music Festival.

“Andrew is an excellent problem-solver, leader and overall positive role model to all of the students at Idle Hour Elementary,” said Lara McNally, the school’s youth and family services coordinator. “He participates in all of the community service projects in the building, including food drives, collections for the animal shelter and collections of toiletry items for local families in need. He is always thinking of others within our community.”

The district congratulates Andrew on this award.