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Supporting Autism Awareness

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As a culminating activity for National Autism Awareness Month, Edward J. Bosti Elementary School recently hosted their inaugural “Bubbles for Autism” event, as hundreds of students and staff members from the school community gathered in the back of the school to support autism awareness.

 “As a sign of community and respect for students, family members and friends living with autism, members of our community gathered on the field in the outline of a large heart and blew soap bubbles,” said Bosti Elementary School Principal Laura Kimball. 

Mrs. Kimball expressed her gratitude toward Nichole Johnson for coordinating the event, Joanna Zalewski and the “Recycling Rangers” for donating the bubbles, along with Michael Oldis, Jusin Maas and Mike Johnson for their invaluable help throughout the course of the day.

April is recognized as National Autism Awareness month, as schools and students across the country go above and beyond to promote autism awareness. 

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