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An Ancient Celebration

students dressed as ancient Greek figures thumbnail185233
student dressed as Aphrodite with another student holding up a poster of her thumbnail185234
girl in a toga holding a blue tea kettle thumbnail185235
girl holding tiny cactus with description of Athena thumbnail185236
girl in a blue toga with description of Artemis thumbnail185237
girl in blue/pink toga holding coffee pot with description of Hestia thumbnail185238
As part of their social studies curriculum, sixth graders at Oakdale-Bohemia Middle School recently enjoyed a celebration of ancient Greece. Prior to this, the students had been assigned different ancient Greek heroes, gods, goddesses and famous historical figures to research. At the celebration, they creatively presented information on their assigned people, even dressing up to resemble them. The students also enjoyed participating in mythology-themed readers’ theater and a game of trivia on ancient Greece.